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How To Effectively Use The Wood Pellet Machine?

Wood pellet machine has certain requirements of raw materials. Although there is no strict limit on the water content of materials, if the processing material is wood, it is easy to stick to the wall of the machine, which is easy to produce the phenomenon of clogging.

Over the summer, due to the high temperature, wet materials are not the obstacles, but the requirements of different seasons are certainly different. In winter, it is available to use the drying equipment before it enter into the material bin for crushing, so that the finished wood pellet will have good shape.

Wood Pellet Machine

The wet material is generally divided into three categories: the capillary porous materials, colloidal materials and capillary porous colloidal materials. There are differences between the water combining forms of materials, which determine the dehydration difficulty under the same condition is not the same. The shapes of the materials also have a great impact on the drying degree of wood pellet. The drying degree of materials decides whether the particles are large or small, small thickness is easier to dry than the greater thickness pellet.

The dried material can be directly put into the cabin for processing. The finished wood pellet is relatively uniform, even if when the chips are sold to market, it sales will be better than the average without drying. In order to save costs, some customers directly process the wet materials without drying. Although the finished wood pellet materials are uniform, the quality is very ugly. In addition, these wood pellets also form into groups, and the greatest harm is to greatly hurt the wood pellet machine.